Quarantine update 21 May 2020
Well, the storm isn’t over yet, but it would seem that the worst is over, for now.
We are not ready to hoist up all the sails, but we are proceeding with caution.
Since the quarantine started, we have been posting some Systema style Rapid Help instructional videos, and keeping our spirits up by training at home and responding to challenges. You can look at our cossack sabre (shashka) fun, or at kettlebells at our channel on YouTube. You can even respond to some of the challenges and send me the footage of you doing the work, and I’ll include it in the next video!
We have also been conducting private sessions and group lessons on video, if you haven’t joined, that’s because you are too busy, or don’t know where to look. To be honest, the video lessons were aimed at the existing students, but I think now is a good time to open them up to all. Video lessons announcements are posted on our Telegram channel, as are articles, videos, and general comments, that’s the most active forum for us.
As things are easing up, we are having our first IRL session on Saturday 23 May 2020, in a park in Essex. Details will be in our Telegram group.
Safety protocols will be observed, and no one without a mask will be allowed to participate.
Things are looking up.
Proceed with caution.